All correction listed below have all been included in the latest pattern available to download as of November 2nd, 2019. If you have an older version of the pattern you may need to refer to the details below:

Where it states, in notes and endings of garter sections, you need to end on ‘even’ amount of stitches, it should read ‘odd’.

6th Slipped Section ; At the end of rows 3 & 7 it instruct to KFB, it should say K2tog

After start decreasing in Fifth & Sixth Garter Sections, it should read on row 1 ‘… this is a decrease row.’

I have a sentence within linen stitch border section, to remind knitter to switch to 5mm unless they want to stick with the 4mm

Linen Stitch Border, set up row 2, should read as follows: 

Set up row 2 With Yarn B ‘K1 YO’ to 1 st before 1st marker, K1 YO,SM,K1,SM,YO, K1, ‘YO K1’ to last st, K1 

Linen stitch border, Row 1, now reads as follows, to reflect the removal of ‘join yarn C’ from within the repeat within the - part, as that doesn’t need to be
Row 1 (RS) Slip 1 purlwise WYIB, bring yarn forward between needles Slip 1 purlwise WYIF, pull yarn to back between the needles so it crosses over that slipped stitch, now join Yarn C to K1 rep from * to* (Without the need to ‘Join Yarn C’ on the subsequent repeats) to 2 sts before the 1st marker, Slip 1 purlwise WYIB, K1, YO, SM, K1, SM, YO, K1 rep from * to * to last st, K1
Also within first few lines if slipped stitch sections, ‘ask’ needs to be corrected to ‘asked’
6th Slipped Section : At the end of rows 3 & 7 it instruct to KFB, it should say K2tog 
Linen Stitch Border, set up row 2, should read as follows:
Set up row 2 With Yarn B ‘K1 YO’ to 1 st before 1st marker, K1 YO,SM,K1,SM,YO, K1, ‘YO K1’ to last st, K1 
on Page 10, towards end of Fifth Garter Section: 
Grammar correction as follows, now reads:
“You are now ready to start a slipped stitch section. Work a further row 1 and a row 2 so that you will commence the slipped stitch section on what would be a Garter row 3.” 
An update of the pattern has been issued, titled Fairfield harvest Shawl Pattern Updated 28th June 2019, is the latest version, please delete any older versions you have and download this version as it includes a correction for amount of stitches required to go into the slipped stitch sections
Also wherein 'ask' has been corrected to 'ask'


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