Yarn Hoarding for Winter...
Malabrigo Sock in 'Dizfraz' (about to become a Beanie for my daughter to go under the Christmas tree I feel like a squirrel with it's nuts as I currently try to find space for all the yarn orders that I'm enjoying the deliveries of (pics below), and yes I am stocking up for Winter. With Christmas post delays, Covid postal impact and most critical, Brexit, looming- this year I have been trying to store away as much yarn as possible, mainly for designing use, as my stash of 'personal projects' yarn is quite healthy already. Brexit means the dreaded duty and admin fees will be applied to any deliveries from the UK, which is where I mainly order from anyway, so for me, as my yarn budget does unfortunately have it's limits, may have to either become a thing of the past for me or at least a very limited prospect...So I have been trying to order from any Indie dyers in the UK that I'd had on my Wishlist before it's too late, so most of my orders this yarn...