So yes, yes YES! ...It's all done, all Christmas Knits completed, and well before my deadline of 22nd of December to avoid knitting til the last minute
(Looked a bit like a Horror movie for a while there, lots of this kind of thing...)
But now the lovely feeling of knowing they're all ready and will bring happiness on the day, every stitch knitted with love...
And then of course I had to give myself the reward of a cozy knit on my cozy neighborhood pullover by Joji locatelli that's been pushed aside for Christmas knits...
Also speaking, the light at the end of the Christmas knitting tunnel is that, rather late to the party, I have put together four kits for myself, which include a shawl pattern, required yarn, coordinating project bag and stitch markers. They are all Joji Shawls, 3 Color Cashmere shawl, Jodi, Party on my needles, and Pure Joy... So I will be having myself a very Joji Christmas indeed...
Only thing is, which one to cast on first ...
Now that's a pressure I don't mind dealing with 😊

Happy Knitting!
(And Happy Festivities!)
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