All correction listed below have all been included in the latest pattern available to download as of November 2nd, 2019. If you have an older version of the pattern you may need to refer to the details below:

 If these are not present in the PDF you have downloaded, ignore this.

 In an older version of this PDF: 
Row 6, reads (RS) row but should read (WS) row. This is a typo.

2nd Garter section: in older version this reads ; Rep rows 5-6 5 more times, it should read Rep rows 1-2 5 more times (as the rows as instructed are 1-2)

4th Stockinette Section ,Row 8 (WS) : It reads to repeat the chart repeat 5 more times. It should read to repeat 7 more times, as already established in this section. This is a typo.

Added the following to pattern notes for clarification :
The Charts A & B within this pattern are covering the stitches worked between the ‘chart markers’ only, that you’ll be working through to form the textured pattern parts. All additional stitches required in each individual are covered in the written form.Also correction needed regarding measurement numbers in the Schematic and removed a duplicate '(K) Knit' from within the knitting abbreviation section


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